La mort de Guillem

Tonight’s film comes from Valencia.

La mort de Guillem (2020)

Whether you’re learning Catalan or just looking for something to watch, La mort de Guillem is a moving film.

In 1993, Guillem Agulló was murdered by Pedro Cuevas, a neonazi. Pedro Cuevas was released and put on parole after just four years of his sentence, on account of apparent ‘good conduct’. In 2005, Pedro Cuevas was detained during ‘Operation Panzer’, an operation against ‘el Frente Antisistema’, a neonazi paramilitary group. He was acquitted, and in 2007 even stood as a representative of the Alianza Nacional (AN) - a neonazi party - in the Valencian municipality of Xiva.

Pedro Cuevas murdered Guillem Agulló because he was a committed antifascist and antiracist. The issues in the film are still present today, and it’s thanks to the continued efforts of Guillem’s family, as well as those of many others, that Guillem’s memory is alive now more than ever. The film is dedicated to Guillem’s family, whose dignity and courage in the face of grief is as moving as it is inspiring.

The following cry has become a symbol of the fight against fascism and racism, as well as the movement for independence :

Guillem Agulló, ni oblit ni perdó

If you’re learning Catalan, the following video is an interview with Guillem’s parents shortly before the film’s release :

La mort de Guillem Agulló : lluitant per reivindicar la seva memòria des del 1993 - Tot es mou

The following is a short article on Pedro Cuevas and the Spanish far-right :

L’assassí del Guillem Agulló, una trajectòria d’impunitat a la ultradreta espanyola

If you’re unsure when and how to use subtitles, advice can be found here :

How to Use Subtitles to Learn a Language

If you’re interested in learning Catalan, there’s a How to Learn Languages guide :

How to Learn Catalan

Take care, and enjoy the process.


Sulla mia pelle


El ciudadano ilustre