How to Learn Languages

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Le Havre

Tonight’s film comes from France.

Le Havre (2011)

Whether you’re learning French or just looking for something to watch, Le Havre is a moving film.

Unlike much of the bile spewed by European politicians and media, the film offers a positive view of human nature. When a refugee ends up in the northern French port of Le Havre, a shoe shiner takes him in and helps him evade the malevolent authorities.

Western colonialism exploits and destabilises many regions of the world, bringing hardship to millions of families. When families come to Europe seeking an escape from suffering, European politicians turn a blind eye, and even make efforts to prevent their arrival. These politicians and a complicit media then try to sow division, spouting lies about the supposed negative impacts of immigration.

The problem in Europe is not immigration. It’s the politicians and media who stoke hatred and turn workers against each other. The sooner European societies are rid of these forces, the sooner the lives of all workers - wherever they were born - can improve together.

If you’re learning French, the following organisation works to help refugees making the perilous Mediterranean crossing :

SOS Méditerranée

For those wanting to keep track of developments in France and the Mediterranean, Nejma Brahim has been covering these issues on her Twitter account :

Nejma Brahim

If you’re unsure when and how to use subtitles, advice can be found here :

How to Use Subtitles to Learn a Language

If you’re interested in learning French, there’s a How to Learn Languages guide :

How to Learn French

Take care, and enjoy the process.

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