Nostalgia de la Luz

Tonight’s film comes from Chile.

Nostalgia de la Luz  (2010)

Whether you’re learning Spanish or just looking for something to watch, Nostalgia de la Luz is a moving documentary.

The documentary covers two different searches in Chile’s Atacama Desert : one by women looking for the remains of loved ones murdered by the dictatorship of General Pinochet, and one by astronomers researching the history of the cosmos.

If you’re learning Spanish, the following videos discuss the CIA-backed coup that brought Pinochet to power in 1973, and the atrocities committed during his regime  :

Dictaduras Latinoamericanas : Chile - Canal Encuentro

La Dictadura Chilena : El Golpe de Estado de 1973 - Historias Para Un Cafe

If you’re learning Spanish and would like to keep track of the news, four of the best news sources in Latin America are teleSUR, Página12, El Faro, and La Jornada :


teleSUR (YouTube)

teleSUR (Facebook)

teleSUR (Instagram)

teleSUR (Twitter)


Página12 (YouTube)

Página12 (Facebook)

Página12 (Instagram)

Página12 (Twitter)

El Faro

El Faro (YouTube)

El Faro (Facebook)

El Faro (Instagram)

El Faro (Twitter)

El Faro Radio (SoundCloud)

La Jornada

La Jornada (YouTube)

La Jornada (Facebook)

La Jornada (Instagram)

La Jornada (Twitter)

If you’re unsure when and how to use subtitles, advice can be found here :

How to Use Subtitles to Learn a Language

If you’re interested in learning Spanish, there’s a How to Learn Languages guide :

How to Learn Spanish

Take care, and enjoy the process!


Madame Satã


La Plaça del Diamant