Серебряные коньки (Silver Skates)

Tonight’s film comes from Russia!

Серебряные коньки (Serebryanyye kon’ki) - Silver Skates (2020)

Whether you’re learning Russian or just looking for something to watch, Серебряные коньки (Serebryanyye kon’ki) - Silver Skates is worth seeing.

Set in 1899 with beautiful scenes of wintery Saint Petersburg, the film tells the tale of a teenager who joins a group of ice skating pickpockets. After meeting a girl from an aristocratic family, the pair’s love must overcome the social divisons of Tsarist Russia.

If you’re learning Russian, the following video shows how the film was made :

«Серебряные коньки» : История создания («Serebryanyye kon’ki» Istoriya sozdaniya)

If you’re learning Russian, the following is the film’s page on кинопоиск (kinopoisk) - the Russian equivalent to IMDb :

Серебряные коньки (2020)

If you’re unsure when and how to use subtitles, advice can be found here :

How to Use Subtitles to Learn a Language

If you’re interested in learning Russian, there’s a How to Learn Languages guide :

How to Learn Russian

Take care, and enjoy the process!


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